7 Powerful Ways No Tie Shoelaces Help People With Autism

7 Powerful Ways No Tie Shoelaces Help People With Autism

independence is a key topic for parents that want to ensure that they give their kids the best chance at life. Today, we explore how no tie shoelaces can help you achieve these goals.

Autism Awareness shoelaces

There are no words that can express the pride a parent feels when their child who has struggled with autism from a very young age, can finally slip-on their sneakers alone, like everyone else can. It’s a moment we have heard recounted many times by our customers.

But it’s not just the feeling of pride that is the main reason you should consider graduating to elastic no-tie laces. In fact there are some more important reasons, supported by autism research.

This post on how to put on no-tie shoelaces gives you 7 powerful ways that our no-tie sneaker laces help people with autism, and can also be handy for other special needs people, or those with injury or disability.


#1: Giving Your Child With Autism the Freedom to Choose

One of the struggles of being an autistic child is always being locked into ‘special’ items because your needs are different from the people around you. For total autism independence, it makes such a difference to let your kid choose the shoes they want to wear. More often than not, it’s what all the cool kids are wearing – sneakers! This can be extremely frustrating for kids and their parents if tying those laces is a nightmare every day. U-Lace No-Tie Laces are the closest thing in the world to specialized shoelaces for children on the Autism Spectrum, as such, they allow your child wear their favorite sneakers all the time.


#2: Feeling the Same as Everyone Else, Thank You Very Much

Children living along the Autism Spectrum are often more sensitive to things around them.


That’s why, to achieve adequate autism independence, so many parents move mountains and make sacrifices to make their child’s life as easy as possible, by giving them the same things other kids have. The ability to wear customized sneakers is a joy that your kid will revel in.


#3: Preventing Accidents and Injury from Untied Laces

For many kids and adults on the Autism Spectrum, the problem is not simply tying their shoelaces once and going about their life. The reality is that laces will always come untied – research has proven that – and there are bullies who untie laces just to see kids who struggle to re-tie them, struggle. 

We’d like to grab every bully and give them a smack across the head, but since we can’t we are happy that we can offer U-Laces because there is nothing for a bully to untie. 

Also, because many on the Autism Spectrum are prone to impulsivity, forgetfulness and distractions – there is a real risk of injury should standard laces become undone during the day; and remember they will.  It’s not an “if,” it’s a “when.”

To prevent injuries caused by loose untied laces, U-Lace No Tie laces are the best solution. You only need to thread them once into a pair of sneakers and they will instantly become easy-on/easy-off slip-ons that your child can manage on their own.

Plus with the right lacing pattern you can make them fit on their feet, just the way thy like them.


#4: Allowing Kids to Lace Their Own Laces

It’s a common misconception that people with autism are incapable of performing creative tasks, they can be some of the most creative people around! Many children on the Autism Spectrum that are now a part of our U-Lace community love to sit with their parents and create their own custom lace designs.

It’s a great way to help them practice their fine motor skills, especially if they have severe autism coupled with other disorders, which is sometimes the case.

Parents also tell us that their kids really like the part where they get to choose the colors and lacing patterns. 

Put a smile on your child’s face and improve their motor skills with U-Lace no-tie laces.


#5: The Chance to Develop Self Care Skills Early

When a child is still young, key self-care practices need to be introduced into their routine so that they grow into high functioning adults with Autism. Things like brushing their hair and teeth, and dressing themselves are very important at a young age.

Autism independence means empowering your child to put their own shoes on, even if they can’t manage traditional laces. That’s when our no-tie laces come in very handy.

Being able to put their own shoes on will improve the quality of life for your child.

#6: Learning to Let Go as a Parent of an Autistic Person

We have spoken to many parents who have trouble allowing their kids to perform activities, chores and even basic self-care skills on their own. This is because when a child has quite severe autism, it can be turbulent and fear often replaces autism independence.


When you use U-Lace No-Tie laces as sneaker laces, it’s a simple action that will give your child a sense of pride and will help you learn to trust them to perform more independent actions for themselves.

The little things matter most in a day, and getting them right is so important.


#7: The Ability to Move Freely and Comfortably on Their Own Terms

Freedom is always an issue when someone has autism, because they often have to be watched or helped along. Simple things, like learning how to put on sneakers laced with U-Lace No-Tie laces and going out to the garden, can be one of the few ways they get to express their freedom at home.

Doing this on their own terms, in their own time is important for development. It will vary depending on where they are on the spectrum, but everyone deserves the opportunity to move around freely.

It’s clear then that no-tie shoelaces are an exceptional addition for special needs cases and for stimulating autism independence.

There are so many benefits to switching to U-Lace No-Tie Laces for sneakers – the world’s best modular no-tie elastic laces – that you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it years ago! We want to hear about your experiences with different laces! Tell us your story below.